Liposuction And Breast Reduction NYC Lipo LLC
35A East 84th Street, Suite A, New York, NY 10028

Liposuction & Breast Reduction

Our NYC liposuction surgeons specialize in liposuction with breast reduction. Breast liposuction is often paired with breast reduction surgery, also known as reduction mammoplasty, to reduce breast size and achieve more pronounced contours. Breast liposuction involves the removal of small amounts of excess fat from the breasts, while breast reduction surgery focuses on lifting the breasts to a youthful position. Breasts may begin to sag over time, due to aging, genetics, pregnancy, or breastfeeding, resulting in a lack of fullness and volume. Additionally, patients with overly-large breasts may want to reduce breast size, due to physical discomfort and strain placed on the back or neck. Breast reduction surgery focuses on reducing breast size and improving shape for long-lasting results. Our NYC liposuction surgeons offer non-invasive liposuction, laser lipo techniques, tumescent lipo, super wet liposuction, and power assisted lipo to assist with breast reduction. Dr. Levine’s unique approach to liposuction and reduction mammoplasty surgery can achieve natural-looking results for patients.

Breast Liposuction Benefits Breast Reduction Benefits Liposuction & Breast Reduction Procedure Details
  • Removes small amounts of fat from the breasts
  • Can add definition & enhance breast shape
  • Promotes skin tightening for firmer-looking breasts
  • Can reduce breast unevenness and smooth irregularities
  • Can improve breast shape and size
  • Firms & repositions loose or sagging breast skin
  • Can reduce the size of overly-large breasts for a balanced appearance
  • Reduces discomfort caused by overly-large breasts
  • Performed in our AAAASF-accredited NYC surgical suite
  • Procedure time ranges from 2-4 hours
  • General or twilight anesthesia is typically used, depending on the extent of your procedure
  • Patients go home the same day of their breast reduction procedure

How Do Liposuction & Breast Reduction Work?

Breast liposuction is performed using small cannulas to remove fat from the breasts. Minimal incisions are made around the breasts, as cannulas are introduced underneath the skin’s surface. Fat cells are gently suctioned from the breasts to reduce breast size and correct unevenness or irregularities. Breast lipo also promotes skin tightening benefits for patients, enhancing breast shape.

During breast reduction surgery, incisions are made around each breast and excess breast tissue is carefully trimmed or repositioned. Reduction mammoplasty can lift and re-drape breast skin to create smaller, youthful-looking breasts. Your NYC breast surgeon can also correct any breast asymmetries during your breast reduction procedure. Liposuction is often utilized alongside reduction mammoplasty. Dr. Levine uses a unique approach that combines innovative lipo techniques with breast reduction surgery to create natural-looking, long-lasting improvements in breast size and shape. Dr. Levine will discuss which liposuction and reduction mammoplasty techniques are ideal for your breast reduction procedure during your consultation at our New York office.

Can Liposuction & Breast Reduction Be Used Alongside Other Procedures?

Yes. Liposuction and breast reduction can be used in conjunction with other body sculpting or liposuction procedures to achieve optimal results, including breast augmentation, breast lift, tummy tuck, body lift, back lift, SmartLipo®, and VASER® LipoSelection. Dr. Levine will discuss which procedures may best enhance your breast reduction results.

Am I An Ideal Candidate For Liposuction & Breast Reduction Treatment?

Liposuction and breast reduction can be combined to improve the shape of overly-large or sagging breasts. Reduction mammoplasty can trim and reposition breast tissue to reduce overall breast size. Moreover, breast lipo can remove excess fat from the breasts to enhance contours. Patients who are looking to restore a youthful balance to the breasts can do so with breast reduction. Additionally, those who are suffering from physical discomfort as a result of overly-large breasts can opt for liposuction and breast reduction to ease strain on the back and neck. Dr. Levine will discuss if liposuction and breast reduction is right for you during your consultation at our New York City office.

What Type Of Anesthesia Is Involved During My Liposuction & Breast Reduction Procedure?

Liposuction and breast reduction usually requires the use of either general or twilight anesthesia, depending on the extent of your reduction mammoplasty procedure. Dr. Levine will discuss which form of anesthesia is ideal for your lipo and breast reduction surgery during your consultation at our NYC office.

What Can I Expect After Undergoing Breast Liposuction & Breast Reduction In NYC?

Liposuction and breast reduction recovery is dependent on the specific treatment goals of each patient. Swelling, bruising, and tenderness around the breasts are common and may last for 1-2 weeks following your liposuction and reduction mammoplasty procedure. Many patients return to work within a few weeks of their breast lipo and breast reduction treatment. Additional healing time may be necessary before you resume exercise and other physical activities.

What Kind Of Liposuction & Breast Reduction Results Can I Expect?

Liposuction and breast reduction can yield long-lasting, natural-looking breast enhancement results. Breast liposuction trims small amounts of excess fat from the breasts and promotes firm contours, while breast reduction surgery can re-drape and trim breast tissue to correct asymmetries and provide a youthful lift to the breasts.

How Can I Maximize My Liposuction & Breast Reduction Results?

In order to maximize your liposuction and breast reduction results, it is important to follow all pre and post-operative instructions provided by Dr. Levine.

Certain products and supplements should be avoided in the weeks prior to your liposuction and breast reduction procedure, unless medically necessary. By doing so, patients minimize their risk of bruising and swelling. Blood-thinners and medications that contain ibuprofen or aspirin should be avoided. Patients should also refrain from taking multivitamins and herbal supplements.

Certain medications, including Tylenol, Bromelain, and Arnica Montana, may be recommended to alleviate pain or discomfort post-procedure. For more details regarding our liposuction and breast reduction aftercare suggestions, click here.

How Do I Find Out More Information About Breast Liposuction & Breast Reduction In NYC?

Dr. Elie Levine, Dr. Jody Levine, and the NYC Lipo staff will be happy to meet with you to discuss any questions you may have about liposuction and breast reduction. Please call us at 800.683.5476, or request an appointment online for a personal consultation at our New York City office.

*Disclaimer: The information contained on this website is intended to be purely educational in nature and does not create a physician-patient relationship with NYC Lipo LLC or any agent, servant or employee thereof. By no means should the information contained in this website be considered as a substitute for consultation with a qualified physician and it does not constitute a second opinion. This website and its contents do not represent or claim to provide the information needed for a patient to give his or her informed consent to any surgical procedure or are a reflection of individual patient results, as they may vary patient to patient. Individual results will vary and no guaranteed result is stated or implied by any photo use or any statement, testimonial, or video on this website. The results depicted in “before” and “after” pictures and stated by any “patient testimonial” illustrate results you may or may not achieve if you choose to have a cosmetic surgery or dermatology procedure. Individual results may vary by patient. Please see our Notice of Privacy Practices. We improve our products and advertising by using Microsoft Clarity to see how you use our website. By using our site, you agree that we and Microsoft can collect and use this data.