Liposuction And Fat Transfer NYC Lipo LLC
35A East 84th Street, Suite A, New York, NY 10028

Liposuction & Fat Transfer

Liposuction and fat transfer at NYC Lipo allow our doctors to replenish lost volume and enhance curves. Patients often ask what can be done with the extracted fat following their liposuction procedure. Our lipo doctors can utilize your body’s natural fat cells to provide smooth-looking definition. During natural fat transfer, fat cells are extracted from a donor site and re-injected into the face or body. Liposuction is used to gently collect your natural fat cells from the donor area—usually the abdomen, flanks, or thighs, as there is often ample fat in these areas. Our lipo experts can utilize various traditional and technology-based liposuction techniques to cultivate your natural fat cells in preparation for your fat grafting procedure. During liposuction, small cannulas are used to extract fat from the donor site. Once your fat cells are collected, they are carefully re-injected into the target area(s). Patients can smooth facial lines, enhance body contours, or correct asymmetries for a more balanced physique. Unlike other fillers, fat grafting uses your body’s natural fat cells. Together, liposuction and fat transfer can provide natural, long-lasting results for patients. Below are some common fat grafting areas.

Fat Transfer To The Face

Facial fat grafting can achieve youthful-looking definition for both the upper and lower face. A volumized face is a youthful face, and patients can target facial wrinkles around the temples, eyelids, cheeks, and nasolabial folds. Your body’s own natural fat is used as a filler to gently smooth creases and folds, reducing the appearance of marionette lines. Additionally, patients can improve lip definition with facial fat grafting. Unlike cosmetic injectables, which temporarily fill wrinkles, natural fat transfer can yield long-lasting facial rejuvenation results.

Fat Transfer To The Breasts

Breast fat transfer can enhance the shape of breasts by adding natural-looking volume. During your lipo and fat grafting procedure, your liposuction surgeon will carefully inject natural fat into the breasts. Fat cells can be distributed evenly around both breasts to ensure balanced results. Breast contours can be improved and asymmetries corrected with breast fat grafting. Patients looking to enhance the appearance of their breasts, as well as those who are not satisfied with past liposuction or breast augmentation procedures, may benefit from undergoing breast fat grafting at our NYC location. Additionally, fat transfer can be used as a reconstructive tool when performing breast reconstruction.

Fat Transfer To The Buttocks

Patients seeking to improve the appearance of their buttocks may consider gluteal fat grafting to augment volume. Buttocks fat transfer can improve gluteal shape, while providing a fuller look. During your procedure, natural fat will be gently injected into the buttocks to achieve a shapelier appearance. Gluteal fat grafting can provide a lifting effect to the buttocks, while also smoothing out any irregularities. Some choose to add volume to the surrounding areas to balance out their buttocks fat transfer results.

Fat Transfer To The Hands

Fat transfer for the hands can replenish youthful-looking volume. The hands are an integral part of your day-to-day interactions and are the second most-commonly seen feature of the body after your face. Over time, aging and sun damage can result in a loss of definition around the hands. As volume depletes, underlying veins may appear more prominent. Additionally, hand wrinkles around the fingers, palms, and knuckles can lead to an aged appearance. Fat grafting for the hands can replace volume to fill fine lines and reduce the appearance of veins. Opting for natural fat transfer can create youthful, long-lasting definition for the hands.

Fat Transfer And Revision Liposuction

Natural fat transfer is often used in conjunction with revision liposuction techniques. Patients who have undergone liposuction in the past may not be completely satisfied with the results of their lipo procedure. Fat grafting can restore volume to the treatment area while correcting asymmetries caused by a previous liposuction procedure. As a result, our NYC Lipo surgeons often utilize fat transfer techniques when performing revision liposuction.

How Do I Find Out More Information About Liposuction And Fat Transfer In NYC?

Dr. Elie Levine, Dr. Jody Levine, and the NYC Lipo staff will be happy to meet with you to discuss any questions you may have about liposuction and fat grafting in NYC. Please call us at 800.683.5476, or request an appointment online for a personal consultation at our New York City office.

*Disclaimer: The information contained on this website is intended to be purely educational in nature and does not create a physician-patient relationship with NYC Lipo LLC or any agent, servant or employee thereof. By no means should the information contained in this website be considered as a substitute for consultation with a qualified physician and it does not constitute a second opinion. This website and its contents do not represent or claim to provide the information needed for a patient to give his or her informed consent to any surgical procedure or are a reflection of individual patient results, as they may vary patient to patient. Individual results will vary and no guaranteed result is stated or implied by any photo use or any statement, testimonial, or video on this website. The results depicted in “before” and “after” pictures and stated by any “patient testimonial” illustrate results you may or may not achieve if you choose to have a cosmetic surgery or dermatology procedure. Individual results may vary by patient. Please see our Notice of Privacy Practices.