Liposuction Treatment Areas NYC Lipo LLC
35A East 84th Street, Suite A, New York, NY 10028

Liposuction Treatment Areas

Liposuction in New York can be performed on many areas of the body for fat reduction results. Patients looking to improve the appearance of their facial profile can opt for liposuction, as well as those seeking precise body sculpting results. Our assortment of traditional and minimally invasive lipo treatments can achieve long-lasting, natural-looking results. Below are some commonly-requested liposuction treatment areas.

Face & Neck Lipo

Facial liposuction can improve facial contours and promote a youthful-looking profile. Patients commonly target loose or fatty areas around the chin and lower face to enhance definition. Facial lipo can be combined with neck liposuction to produce a graceful-looking jawline by removing fat deposits and tightening lax skin below the chin. Targeting both the face and neck can ensure facial symmetry, as an aged neck can ultimately result in a worn appearance, even if your facial profile is looking youthful. As a result, many patients target both of these areas for balanced results.

Upper Arm Liposuction

Arm liposuction is commonly used to target excess fat and sagging skin of the upper arms. Certain factors, including aging, pregnancy, weight gain, and even substantial weight loss, can result in unsightly bulging around the triceps, also known as “bat wings.” These fat pockets contribute to an uneven appearance around the arms. Arm lipo can reduce deposits of upper arm fat while also tightening drooping skin for firmer-looking, toned arms.

Breast Lipo

Breast liposuction can reduce and reshape the appearance of breasts. By choosing liposuction for breast reduction, patients can remove small amounts of excess fat cells from the breasts to reduce breast size. Breast lipo can be combined with breast reduction surgery to firm sagging breast skin for improved shape. Undergoing liposuction for gynecomastia can reduce the appearance of enlarged male breasts, as well.

Back Liposuction

Back liposuction can remove fat from the upper, mid, and lower back to create a slimmer, more-contoured appearance. Fat deposits and lax skin can lead to bulges and creases around the back that are difficult to reduce with exercise or dieting alone. Lipo for back fat reduction can promote a smoother, youthful-looking back and improve skin laxity by firming skin.

Abdomen & Flank Lipo

Stomach liposuction can contour areas around the abdomen and flanks. The midsection is among the most troublesome areas for patients, as stubborn layers of fat can hide toned abdominal muscles and take away from a flat tummy. Undergoing stomach lipo can reduce the appearance of love handles, muffin tops, and bulging flanks by removing fat from these areas, while promoting skin tightening for a firmer-looking midsection.

Buttocks & Hip Liposuction

Buttocks liposuction can eliminate fat around the backside for symmetrical fat reduction results. Buildups of fat cells can result in uneven volume around the buttocks, as well as unsightly bulges. Additionally, hip liposuction can improve the appearance of fat around the hips to ensure a balanced appearance around the lower body.

Thighs & Knee Lipo

Thigh liposuction is ideal for treating both the inner and outer thighs. Fat deposits around these areas are difficult to reduce through diet and exercise alone. Weight gain may result in saddlebags along the sides of the thighs that can detract from a symmetrical-looking lower body. Undergoing lipo for the thighs can slim down these areas to achieve youthful-looking definition. Patients can also choose knee liposuction to reduce knee size for a proportional lower body.

Ankles & Calves Liposuction

Both the ankles and calves can be treated with liposuction to produce firmer-looking lower legs. Troublesome “cankles” and excess fat accumulation around the calves are extremely difficult to reduce with standard weight loss methods. Liposuction can remove small pockets of fat from these areas to promote slimmer ankles and add prominence to calf muscles.

How Do I Find Out More Information About Treatment Areas?

Dr. Elie Levine, Dr. Jody Levine, and the NYC Lipo staff will be happy to meet with you to discuss any questions you may have about liposuction treatment areas. Please call us at 800.683.5476, or request an appointment online for a personal consultation at our New York City office.

*Disclaimer: The information contained on this website is intended to be purely educational in nature and does not create a physician-patient relationship with NYC Lipo LLC or any agent, servant or employee thereof. By no means should the information contained in this website be considered as a substitute for consultation with a qualified physician and it does not constitute a second opinion. This website and its contents do not represent or claim to provide the information needed for a patient to give his or her informed consent to any surgical procedure or are a reflection of individual patient results, as they may vary patient to patient. Individual results will vary and no guaranteed result is stated or implied by any photo use or any statement, testimonial, or video on this website. The results depicted in “before” and “after” pictures and stated by any “patient testimonial” illustrate results you may or may not achieve if you choose to have a cosmetic surgery or dermatology procedure. Individual results may vary by patient. Please see our Notice of Privacy Practices. We improve our products and advertising by using Microsoft Clarity to see how you use our website. By using our site, you agree that we and Microsoft can collect and use this data.