Liposuction For Men NYC Lipo LLC
35A East 84th Street, Suite A, New York, NY 10028

Liposuction For Men

Liposuction is one of the most-requested cosmetic procedures among male patients. Lipo for men is ideal for shaping and sculpting areas of the body to eliminate layers of stubborn fat. No matter how often you go the gym, excess fat cells may continue to cover up a firm chest and tight abdominal muscles. Even with consistent cardio and dieting, patients may not be seeing the toned body they desire. Our lipo doctors offer male liposuction in NYC to reduce the appearance of fat deposits for a leaner, more masculine physique.

How Can Liposuction Treatment Benefit Men?

Liposuction for men can improve body shape by slimming down fat from targeted areas and promoting skin tightening benefits for firm, youthful-looking skin. Numerous parts of the body can be targeted to achieve balanced results. Male patients can trim the abdomen and flanks with liposuction by treating excess fat around the midsection. Likewise, lipo can help achieve a stronger-looking, muscular back and shoulders by removing fat deposits and tightening sagging skin. Those looking to improve jawline definition can choose liposuction to reduce submental fat around the neck and lower face. Patients suffering from gynecomastia, or enlarged male breasts, can undergo liposuction to improve the appearance of the chest. Lipo for men produces long-lasting results to promote a younger-looking physique. Liposuction can also be combined with facial rejuvenation and body contouring procedures.

Which Liposuction Options Are Available To Men?

Our New York lipo surgeons offer a variety of liposuction options for men. Traditional lipo techniques, including power assisted liposuction, tumescent lipo, and super wet liposuction, can achieve large-volume fat reduction, as well as precise fat removal from smaller areas. Moreover, minimally invasive lipo techniques, including SmartLipo®, VASER® LipoSelection, laser liposuction, and SculpSure™, can remove fat from concentrated areas while tightening skin for improved definition. These liposuction procedures can be combined to achieve optimal results for patients. Dr. Levine will discuss which lipo options may be right for you during a personal consultation for male liposuction at our NYC office.

Male Liposuction Benefits Common Target Areas & Uses Liposuction Procedures For Men
  • Eliminates pockets of excess fat from the body
  • Reduces bulging around troublesome areas
  • Promotes skin tightening to improve shape
  • Yields long-lasting & natural-looking fat reduction results
  • Trims stubborn fat around the stomach & flanks to bring out the abdominal & oblique muscles
  • Enhances chest definition by targeting excess fat that contributes to enlarged male breasts (gynecomastia)
  • Removes back fat & tightens sagging skin for firmer-looking shoulders and back contours
  • Can produce a stronger-looking jawline by removing submental fat underneath the chin

Liposuction For Male Breast Reduction

Patients suffering from enlarged male breasts (also known as “gynecomastia”) can utilize liposuction techniques for an athletic-looking chest. Lipo for male breasts involves the gentle suctioning of excess fat from areas of the chest to reduce breast size and improve chest shape. The removal of fat from the chest during liposuction for gynecomastia can improve contours, reduce unevenness, and enhance chest symmetry.

Treating Gynecomastia With Laser Liposuction

Gynecomastia can be treated with minimally invasive laser liposuction techniques, as well. Laser energy breaks down fat cells before being gently suctioned from the body. Additionally, the heat from laser liposuction results in the contraction of collagen fibers below the skin’s surface. As collagen tightens, the skin around the chest experiences a gradual firming effect, producing a tighter-looking, toned appearance. Patients who undergo laser liposuction for male breasts can achieve a more-defined, masculine-looking chest.

Male Liposuction For Back

All areas of the back can be treated with liposuction. As back fat accumulates, broad shoulders and back contours become less defined. Firm back muscles become hidden underneath stubborn fat layers, taking away from the coveted V-taper of your upper back, as well as lower back contours. Liposuction for the back targets excess back fat to yield long-lasting results. Back lipo for men can be paired with back lift surgery, especially for patients who have undergone significant weight loss. After losing a substantial amount of weight, drooping skin around the upper, mid, and lower back often remains. Together, back lift surgery and liposuction can tighten loose skin and remove remaining back fat to sculpt a masculine-looking back.

Male Liposuction For Double Chin

Liposuction can target submental fat cells to eliminate double chin for men. A strong, contoured jaw line is among the most coveted attributes among male patients, as a defined chin promotes confidence and can enhance overall facial symmetry. However, weight gain, genetics, and aging can contribute to the accumulation of excess fat underneath the chin. This buildup of fat cells takes away from jawline definition, resulting in a rounder-looking chin. Submental liposuction can reduce double chin by gently suctioning out excess fat cells. Submental lipo for men can also be paired with neck lift surgery to produce a youthful-looking neck and jaw line. Neck lift surgery takes aim at sagging skin around the neck—removing and repositioning loose skin to promote a firmer appearance. Liposuction can accentuate neck lift results for male patients.


* Patients individual results may vary.
Before After
Male Liposuction Before And After
Before After
Liposuction For Men Before And After
Before After
Male Lipo Before And After
Before After
Gynecomastia Before And After Front View
Before After
Gynecomastia Before And After Quarter View
Before After
Gynecomastia Before And After Side View
Before After
Gynecomastia Before And After
Before After
Lipo For Men Before And After
Before After
Neck Lipo For Men Before And After

How Do I Find Out More Information About Liposuction For Men?

Dr. Elie Levine, Dr. Jody Levine, and the NYC Lipo staff will be happy to meet with you to discuss any questions you may have about male liposuction in NYC. Please call us at 800.683.5476, or request an appointment online for a personal consultation at our New York City office.

*Disclaimer: The information contained on this website is intended to be purely educational in nature and does not create a physician-patient relationship with NYC Lipo LLC or any agent, servant or employee thereof. By no means should the information contained in this website be considered as a substitute for consultation with a qualified physician and it does not constitute a second opinion. This website and its contents do not represent or claim to provide the information needed for a patient to give his or her informed consent to any surgical procedure or are a reflection of individual patient results, as they may vary patient to patient. Individual results will vary and no guaranteed result is stated or implied by any photo use or any statement, testimonial, or video on this website. The results depicted in “before” and “after” pictures and stated by any “patient testimonial” illustrate results you may or may not achieve if you choose to have a cosmetic surgery or dermatology procedure. Individual results may vary by patient. Please see our Notice of Privacy Practices. We improve our products and advertising by using Microsoft Clarity to see how you use our website. By using our site, you agree that we and Microsoft can collect and use this data.